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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Whites are the biggest beneficiaries of colonisation and genocides

  • June 27, 2019
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Image credit: reddit.com

Whites are the biggest beneficiaries of colonisation and genocides today, check it the American continents: North and South America now belong to whites.

North America has about 9.5million square miles of land which is 2.44 times the size of Europe (3.9m²). The Europeans slaughtered the Black and Asiatic Native Americans with the aid of sword, division and disease and took over lands and islands so vast that they needed 12million Afrikans to help them cultivate the lands over 400 years without payment.

The same whites took over the entire South American continent, slaughtered the native people and brought in endless ships of Afrikans to perform work no pay for them.

So bad was the colonial genocide that as of the time that after Christopher Columbus "discovered" America  in 1492 (he discovered a place people had inhabited for 12,000 years) the population of Indigenous Americans fell by 90 -95%.

Today virtually all lands in South America belongs to whites as in North and both are now "The white man's lands".

Till I came here, I had no idea of the fixed determination which there is in the heart of every American to extirpate the Indians and appropriate their territory.

— Henry Goulburn, one of the British negotiators for the Treaty of Ghent

The same whites entered the Australian continent, subdued the indigenous black Australians, and took over the entire continent and now being Australian means being White.

In 1847, Western Australian barrister E.W. Landor stated: "We have seized upon the country, and shot down the inhabitants, until the survivors have found it expedient to submit to our rule. We have acted as Julius Caesar did when he took possession of Britain."

Are we going to talk of the colonisation of Asia: how India lost about $45Trillion to Britain courtesy of 200 years of colonisation (1757 - 1947)
according to renowned economist Utsa Patnaik.

The same whites entered into Afrika, took over the lands in Azania, renamed it South Afrika and now hold about 80% of the lands in South Afrika (a fact that the so-called "Africa check" couldn't disprove.

They repeated the same in Namibia (70%), took over lands in Kenya, took over 51% of lands from Zimbabweans, and sanctioned Mugabe for saying taking the lands back even after compensating whites for years for lands they took forcefully.

These are same people who have displaced the indigenous North Afrikans and created and taken over the so-called Middle East while retaining Europe for themselves.

The lands in Afrika not being entirely whitened, the continent is bleeding head to toe from the scavenging bites of colonisation of the whites:

Remember English Afrika, French West and Central Afrika, Spanish Afrika etc. Today, the "former colonies" are "independent" but in reality only the word "independent" makes them independent, the colonial remote controlling mechanism remains as functional as ever.

Today, whites claim to be peaceful and civilised. This is because they have gotten all the conquests of war they deem precious through their global white domination campaign.

Time for reparation is now

Eze Chimere Nwauzo
Leader of OAF


We are the One Afrika Family, the family of all Afrikans worldwide. Join us. Let us together take the Afrikan family back to the top.


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